Our test team and staff are the finest. Many World, Olympic and National Champions in all disciplines choose to use our products. We are also proud to be official partners with Plas Y Brenin Mountain Training Centre and Glenmore Lodge Mountain Centre.
Paskell Blackwell
Discipline: Rafting
Class: Open men
Hometown: Weymouth
Living Now: Waltham Abbey
Current Boats: Bull rafts
Shaft of choice ( straight or bent ): Straight
Big Volume or Tight and technical: Big volume
Favourite Paddling Spot: Nile
Achievements: 4 Worlds medals and multiple European medals and still enjoying it
Whats Next... Ambitions / Plans: Strong European campaign leading to World Championships in Japan in september
Best things about paddling: Achieving as a group and going to new rivers
Best Boating Moment: still to come
Worst Boating Moment: losing friends
Other Hobbies: Triathlon
Ultimate Worldwide Destination: Japan
Favourite Stuff:
Food: Roast dinner
Drink: Stella
Music: Kings of Leon
Movie: Topgun
Read: Born to run
Heros: James Cracknall
Villans: Anyone who lines up on a start line against us